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Follow the Leader : A Look Into JDM Options

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:33 pm
by Cal
Follow the Leader : A Look Into JDM Options


Introduction: Last year, as sort of a personal kick off to our BFS focused season, I dipped my toes into the shallow spool waters of finesse braids. In that article, I mentioned my round about journey to discovering the benefits of using the line strategy of braid plus a leader. Testing responsibilities not withstanding, this is now my preferred line setup for all my reels and I have more or less settled upon what to use for the braid portion of that strategy. An 8-strand braid in roughly forty to fifty five pound (40-55lb) test or the smallest hollow braid (in light blue) I can get, is what I fill the majority of my reels with today. The leader section has proven more difficult to settle and has been somewhat fluid because it depends upon the application I have in mind. High quality fluorocarbon hasn't been an issue. The real struggle has been finding a suitable nylon monofilament.

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